Saturday 23 May 2020

Internal v External

This world is not meant to make us happy, it is meant to challenge us.

If a person uses the external world to makes them happy it will lead to sadness, whether it is a car, a diamond, or even a mountain range these things do not last forever therefore the  happiness is based on temporal object – this is the external. Real happiness, Love, contentment or bliss is internal it is inside you. It comes from the human spirit, or Soul and is eternal and cannot be taken away from you. A person can miss it, or ignore it because they are so focussed on what is going on outside but it is always there. An example: Babies and the Joy, Love and Happiness they display. A baby is not happy because his parents have got an excellent fixed rate on their mortgage which means their house should be paid off by the time he is 18, a baby is not happy because he doesn’t have to go to work, he doesn’t know about work or mortgages and yet he is happy. This is because his attention is still on the internal which is also the eternal.

This is the difference between the internal and external. When a person looks to the external and bases their life upon it, how they feel, how other people see them – more accurately how they think other people see them they have entered into a never-ending-cycle of Whack-a’-Mole – where problem after problem arises to be dealt with, as soon as one is dealt with another one pops up elsewhere. This is the Human Condition. This also the condition makes it possible for people to engage in ridiculous limiting behaviour such as  bigotry or racism, this can only happen when a person is more focussed on the external than the internal.

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