Saturday 23 May 2020

Internal v External

This world is not meant to make us happy, it is meant to challenge us.

If a person uses the external world to makes them happy it will lead to sadness, whether it is a car, a diamond, or even a mountain range these things do not last forever therefore the  happiness is based on temporal object – this is the external. Real happiness, Love, contentment or bliss is internal it is inside you. It comes from the human spirit, or Soul and is eternal and cannot be taken away from you. A person can miss it, or ignore it because they are so focussed on what is going on outside but it is always there. An example: Babies and the Joy, Love and Happiness they display. A baby is not happy because his parents have got an excellent fixed rate on their mortgage which means their house should be paid off by the time he is 18, a baby is not happy because he doesn’t have to go to work, he doesn’t know about work or mortgages and yet he is happy. This is because his attention is still on the internal which is also the eternal.

This is the difference between the internal and external. When a person looks to the external and bases their life upon it, how they feel, how other people see them – more accurately how they think other people see them they have entered into a never-ending-cycle of Whack-a’-Mole – where problem after problem arises to be dealt with, as soon as one is dealt with another one pops up elsewhere. This is the Human Condition. This also the condition makes it possible for people to engage in ridiculous limiting behaviour such as  bigotry or racism, this can only happen when a person is more focussed on the external than the internal.

Tuesday 19 May 2020

The Climb to Freedom

The content of our mind determines how we experience life.

From the day they are able to understand in even the most rudimentary fashion every child should be taught how to manage thinking and feeling. They should be taught how to process their emotional reaction when things don’t go right, when others act in a way they shouldn’t, and when they make a mistake. Even above reading and writing children should be taught how to self-govern their mind and associated feelings. A child that has been taught through discussion and has seen this approach demonstrated will approach life with an optimistic, enquiring, reflective attitude. In this way life becomes an adventure, a journey where the positive experiences are enjoyed for what they are and allowed to pass, and the hard times are not walls preventing progress but hills to be climbed!!

My hill has been the mind and how to overcome unwelcome thoughts.

Let’s take a hypothetical man or woman and use a room as an analogy for their mind. From the moment of birth the mind begins filling up with furniture. That furniture is made up of ideas, concepts, memories, visions, dreams, desires, fears, regrets, prejudices, opinions and viewpoints. Every significant experience becomes an object in the room of the mind. And the more feeling attached to it the more solid the object will be.

A mind which is allowed to fill up unchecked would look like the backroom of a second hand furniture shop. That is if the person could even SEE the room. When a mind is not attended to it is like a cluttered room with the light turned off!

Can you imagine trying to walk across an unfamiliar room that is cluttered with furniture in the dark! It would be impossible not to get lost, bump into things and otherwise not know where one is or see where one is going on.

I am using an extreme example here. But my point remains. The owner of an unchecked mind is likely to say things like:

“I knew that was going to happen.”
“That always happens to me.”
“That’s just the way I am.”
“Things never work out.”
“I wish I could be like him (or her).”
“I could never do that.”
“I’ll never forgive ____.”

And any other statement affirming that an undesired aspect of their character is permanent. Notice how often people make statements about their life regarding things they wish they could change about themselves or their world. Who actively wants to be unhappy? Everyone wants happiness, ease, peace of mind, calmness, clarity, inspiration, but no one teaches us how our mind and feelings work and how to use them constructively. 

I know exactly what I’m talking about because I personally-lived with an unchecked mind for the first 21 years of my life. Misery, regret, and suffering was the only result. However the greater the suffering the greater the lesson! And so out of desperation I spent the next twenty years I earnestly seeking a way back to the blissful state I knew as a child – a state which I sense with every fibre of my being is the birthright of every person ever born.

I want to tell you about the two final steps to the top of my hill. And they are:-

Juice Plus+ & Thought Management.

Juice Plus+ isn’t just a supplement. It is unrivalled, unparalleled goodness for every level of my being, mind, body, emotions, and soul.  5 a day and balanced diet is great! And more people would benefit from healthy eating. I cannot describe to you and you cannot know what it is like when Juice Plus+ kicks in. It’s not even about Juice Plus+ as a thing, it’s about how I feel & think and therefore experience life as a result. Our bodies are naturally healing, naturally self sustaining and possess the facility to self heal, however because they are physical they require physical fuel. Food keeps me alive, but super powered nutrition allows me to thrive! Try putting the wrong sort of fuel in a brand new Lamborghini, no matter how well the car has been put together it won’t run without the right kind of fuel. And if it doesn’t run it will just sit there and start to rust.

Because of the extra alertness, and positivity I have gained from having my Lamborghini fuelled right I have been able to notice, catch, and reprogram thought patterns which have run automatically in my mind since forever. That brings me to thought management.

The thoughts that come into our head are not being broadcasted over a tannoy which we have to listen to. It’s more they are being played on a radio. The quality of the thoughts being played into our mind are determined by the channel or frequency we have our radio set to. The knob or dial we use to "tune" into different stations is our attention. By giving attention to certain kind of thought we are effectively saying "Yes play me more of this" and if the thought is accompanied by a feeling then the “yes” becomes even louder and the volume goes up. No thought HAS to be entertained. Sure a thought may be in our mind, and sure it may feel either positive or less positive, but NO THOUGHT AND IT’S ACCOMPANIYNG FEELING has to be entertained or accepted as reality, no matter how long we have allowed it colour our view of life, no matter how many events justify its continual intrusion into our mind. Liberation is but a step away every single moment. When we make a sincere effort to turn our attention towards the content of our mind we become aware of thoughts and feelings as they come to us, we can then “weigh up” whether it’s something we want our room or not. The light has gone on!

 No matter how large and cluttered the room is we can navigate our way through it when the light is on. And as we realise that the furniture in the room is only there by our agreeing to it in the first place we can start to toss out the unwanted stuff, which is done by always making sure that our attention is on the things we want. When a person finally realises and accepts that they are no longer at the mercy of poor mental content they will experience True Freedom & Liberation which are more valuable than any Earthly treasure.


The first step along a path that leads I know where not. I look up. Gazing at the distant mountains my heart flutters in anticipation.

My adventure has begun.